
Weekly Market Snapshot | May 31, 2024

Stocks and bonds are lower this week, but remain positive for the month of May.  US stocks are leading the way this month (green), followed by non-US stocks (red), corporate bonds (pink), then US treasury bonds (blue).



There are at least three major factors weighing on the market this week:

  • A few major companies missed their revenue and/or earnings expectations.


  • Slow, or no progress in the fight to get inflation to the Fed’s 2% target is causing investors to reconsider their previously optimistic interest rate cut expectations.


  • There are some signs the consumer may be turning cautious in their spending.


I’ve heard some scary reports of skyrocketing credit card delinquencies, with the delinquency rate doubling in the past 3 years.  It appears to be true.



Some investors are concerned this is a bad sign for the economy.  It’s not.

Three years doesn’t really tell us much.  Is today’s reading of 3.16% historically high?  Was 1.6% three years ago normal?  If we zoom out to look at more history, we can see that 3.16% is the highest level in the past 12 years, but lower than any reading 1991 – 2011.



The near 0% interest rate environment 2009 – 2022 was an anomaly that kept credit card delinquencies well below their historic levels.  What we’re currently seeing is a move towards a “normal” delinquency rate now that interest rates are back to their historic norms.


Have a great weekend.


Jack C. Harmon II, CFP®, CIMA

Principal, Harmon Financial Advisors

Registered Principal, Raymond James Financial Services


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Keep in mind that individuals cannot invest directly in any index. Past performance does not guarantee future results.  Individual investors’ results will vary.

The S&P Total Market Index (TMI) is designed to track the broad equity market, including large-, mid-, small-, and micro-cap stocks.

The MSCI World ex USA Index captures large and mid-cap companies across 22 of 23 Developed Markets (DM) countries excluding the United States. With 985 constituents, the index covers approximately 85% of the free float-adjusted market capitalization in each country.

The Dow Jones Corporate Bond Index is an equally weighted basket of 96 recently issued investment-grade corporate bonds with laddered maturities. The index intends to measure the return of readily tradable, high-grade U.S. corporate bonds. It is priced daily.

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